This tutorial was a lot shorter than the previouse one that i did, it was also alot simpeler and quicker. It is an cartoon enviroment with grassy hills, tree's and a road.
I started off by making the lanscape. The way that i do this is by going to the control panel and clicking on create>geometry. Then from the drop down box i had to select Patch grids. I then maximised the top veiwpoint and created a flat plane with a length and width of 200 and 4 length and width segments.
I then right clicked on the plane and converted it to an editable patch, the reson that i converted the plane is that this makes it possible to edit the shape of the plane so i can make it bumpy for the hills.
The hills are now finished the next thing that i had to do was create a road to go around my hills. i start of the road by drawing the outline with the line tool. I then had to select compound objects from the drop down menu. i then clicked the loft button, get shape and rectangle. Then i just had to fit the road to the shape of the hills, the way i did this was by opening the Skin Parameters rollout and activationg Optimize Shapes. I then hadd to change the road to an Editable Poly nd activate Polygon selection. I thenn had to select all the side and bottom polygons and deletede them. I will then use the wrapper, when the road is selected click conform and then click the landscape. This will leave collours mixed and some parts of the road sticking in the air, the way to fix this is by activating Hide Wrap-To Object.
The trees were made very simply aswell, the leaves of the trees were green spheres and the trunks were just brown cylinders. I just made one and then copyed it enough to fill the landscape i also changed the sizes to add variety.